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Preparing for the Lord

This is a truly remarkable time of year as we Christians are preparing for and getting ready for many of the great traditions in this wonderful season of Christmas. 

To all of you, may the blessings of God be with you and your families on this most joyous and exciting time of the year!!

Please read the following for today’s message:

IS 40:1-5, 9-11

2 PT 3:8-14

MK 1:1-8

Consider the scriptures above and how Isaiah was leaning forward with anticipation for the Lord’s coming. And then a few hundred years later, his prophecy was fulfilled in John, who was the one “crying out in the desert”, calling for all who heard him to “repent and make a straight path for the Lord.“ 

The prophets Isaiah and John are calling for us to make ready. And so I ask you to pray and meditate on the following:

Do we really prepare for our Lord’s coming?

In the heart, mind and soul of us Christians, this question brings to mind the first coming of Jesus, the one Isaiah and John spoke of. The gift of gifts from God!  The image of the baby Jesus, lying in a manger with angels, shepherds, and magi coming to pay Him homage. Christmas!!

However, consider Peter’s exhortation for a moment.  

“ But the day of the Lord will come like a thief”

Peter is saying that we may at any moment come face to face with Jesus. Are we prepared for that?

Consider the following:

1) What could I repent of?  

2) What injustice have I caused that I need to make right?

3) How can I spread Joy and Love in my family and community 

4) How can I honor Jesus in all that I do?

Preparing for our Lord’s coming is an everyday thing, not a twice a year thing. Let’s get out there and don’t hesitate on your preparations for one more second!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

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