2023 Christmas Blessing from The TEFFAS Project

Perspective is an important element to unleashing your potential and finding your purpose in life. At the TEFFAS Project, we are committed to helping you discover untapped spiritual potential lying within and we are here to support your journey to becoming a Christian Spiritual Superhero in God’s Kingdom here on Earth.
Before providing you our 2023 Christmas Blessing, we invite you to receive and contemplate an important perspective that goes beyond the traditional musings of the story of Jesus in a manger and kings coming to pay Him homage. Though, our Savior’s birth is such an amazing story, if you are going to become a superhero in God’s Kingdom, we must dig deeper.
Consider the following readings:
Do we really understand Christmas?
A few key points to ponder:
1) Hundreds of years before Jesus, the prophet Isaiah, predicted His coming and said it would happen just the way it did. And he also said that Jesus’ coming meant God would provide for our salvation.
2) Two thousand years ago, Jesus came into the world because God loved us. As Peter mentions, the angels worshipped him.
3) John shared the perspective that has changed the world forever: “But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name”
So you mean, we really get to become children of God???
I urge you to immerse yourself in that perspective.
So, as one fellow Christian to another, I ask you what being a child of God inspires you to do?
2023 Christmas Blessing
Heavenly Father, we ask that you send down your Holy Spirit to those of us striving to unleash our Christian potential. May your Spirit penetrate our minds, hearts, and souls, filling us with great courage, strength, wisdom, health, hope, faith, power, love, and self control, so that we may come to know Your Will for our lives, carry out that mission, expand Your Kingdom, for Your great glory. We ask this, through Christ our Lord, Amen!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jim Auslander