
Happy New Year 2024 – Resolve to find Jesus

One of my favorite inspirational stories in the Bible is the story of the Three Wise Men.  It is a story that ignites my imagination and I hope that it may do the same for you as you ponder a new year.  As you consider resolutions or renewing your commitments that have waned, read the…
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2023 Christmas Blessing from The TEFFAS Project 

Perspective is an important element to unleashing your potential and finding your purpose in life.  At the TEFFAS Project, we are committed to helping you discover untapped spiritual potential lying within and we are here to support your journey to becoming a Christian Spiritual Superhero in God’s Kingdom here on Earth.  Before providing you our…
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Doing God’s Will

The Bible, the very Holy Word of God, is so amazing. I enjoyed explaining to my Sunday school students that no matter your questions, concerns or challenges you face in life, you can find the answers if you look in the Bible.  For 13 years, I tested this truth and the Bible never let us…
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Do we believe we have Jesus’ power inside?

Scriptures: Is 61:1-2A, 10-11 1 Thes 5:16-24 Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 Chronicled in Luke chapter 4, our Lord began His public ministry by proclaiming the words found in the reading of Isaiah 61:1,  The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the…
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Preparing for the Lord

This is a truly remarkable time of year as we Christians are preparing for and getting ready for many of the great traditions in this wonderful season of Christmas.  To all of you, may the blessings of God be with you and your families on this most joyous and exciting time of the year!! Please…
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Fear no evil

Psalm 23. It conjures so many inspiring reflections and meaningful thoughts. Most of us jump to the first verse, however, I’m not writing today about trusting in the Lord no matter how appropriate it may be to reflect on the elimination of greed in our lives during this season of “getting”. No, today, and every…
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Lift our hearts up to the Lord?

In some Christian cultures, pastors will ask the congregation from time to time something that demands our response. Most of the time, unfortunately, and if we are being honest with ourselves, it has become rote and has lost meaning in the chant with which we respond. For example, “Lift up your hearts. “ and, we…
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Forgive those who trespass against us?

For many Christians, we say the Lord’s Prayer daily or even more often. Jesus gave us this amazing way to pray to God. (See Matthew 6:9-13) However, verse 12 is not to be taken lightly. “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. “ Do we really? Let’s examine our…
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Let’s talk about ACTION: James 2:21-24

The Importance of Faith in Action: Exploring James 2:21-24 Let’s talk about action. In the book of James, specifically in James 2:21-24, we are reminded of the importance of faith in action. This passage tells the tale of Abraham, who was righteous in his deeds when he sacrificed his son Isaac. It goes on to…
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Faith: Hebrews 11

The Power of Faith: Exploring Hebrews 11 Faith: Hebrews 11 In the book of Hebrews, chapter 11, we are introduced to a powerful concept that can transform lives: faith. This chapter is often called the “Hall of Faith” because it lists numerous individuals who demonstrated extraordinary faith in God. As we explore Hebrews 11, we…
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